Development and Alumni Relations


Development and Alumni Relations

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<Development and Alumni Relations ><Online Community > My Brunel


My Brunel

Now that you have graduated, you are part of a community of more than 100,000 Brunel alumni worldwide. There are many ways for you to benefit from being part of this community including:

  • A dedicated online Brunel Alumni Network where you can connect with other alumni and share advice, ideas, memories, events, photos, jobs and opportunities
  • Professional development and networking opportunities and events
  • Discounts on further study at Brunel
  • Access to facilities on campus
  • An annual magazine and quarterly E-Newsletters


Join Brunel Alumni Network now.


My details

If you would like to update your contact details or amend your email preferences, please email Please remember to include your subject of study and graduation year so that we can find your record.


Brunel Graduate Discount

If you graduated from Brunel and register for a postgraduate course or research programme on a self-funding basis, you will be eligible for a 15% discount on tuition fees. What’s more, if you graduated with a First Class Honours degree and register on a postgraduate taught course on a self-funding basis, you can get a further 15% discount. Scholarships for Brunel graduates wishing to undertake a PhD at Brunel will also be available from 2015.

For more information please email us at


Page last updated: Tuesday 18 July, 2017