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Building Brunel
With your support, we can continue to build the Brunel of tomorrow. After multi-millions of pounds investment in recent years to create dynamic learning and research spaces including state of the art labs, modern lecture theatres and leading sports and performance facilities, we now have even greater plans for the future. Your donations are the building blocks to this development. With your support we can lay the foundations for a bigger and better Brunel, ensuring campus infrastructure is outstanding, student facilities and accommodation are cutting edge and research can be undertaken in world-class facilities underpinned by international collaborations and partnerships.
The Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing
The Wolfson Foundation is a charitable foundation which supports higher education through infrastructure funding and the provision of scholarships and bursaries.
Brunel University London is home to the Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing, a specialist research institute dedicated to materials processing technology, looking particularly at polymers, plastics and display/light-emitting materials. The Centre is a world leader in these fields and a key part of Brunel’s research strategy.
The Wolfson Foundation has had a long relationship with Brunel University and has provided a key underpinning for some of the most cutting-edge work that has taken place at the institution.
The Wolfson Foundation was instrumental in the formation of the Centre in 1987 under Professor Mike Bevis, providing start-up funding to enable the Centre to launch as a dedicated hub. The Foundation next enabled the Centre to expand in 2004 with the addition of a large processing hall, vital for the large machinery involved in much of its work.
2013 saw the completion of the latest project undertaken with generous support from the Wolfson Foundation: the expansion of the laboratory space available to the Centre to increase its capacity in micro-processing and characterising, alongside greater capacity in electroluminescence and printing.
As a team, the Development and Alumni Relations Office is centrally funded which means there are no overheads taken from your donations.If you would like to support Brunel students we would be delighted to hear from you. For more information about how you can support us, please contact the Director of Development, Clive Gee: clive.gee@brunel.ac.uk or call 01895 267776. You can also “Give Now” using our fast simple, secure online donation system.