Development and Alumni Relations


Development and Alumni Relations

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Nurturing Brunel 

Here at Brunel University London we believe in championing the potential in everyone. Your generous giving enables us to build bridges to enable the most talented students from all walks of life to access higher education. We support our students, their research and their personal development.

You can support our students in many different ways, from giving your time to act as a mentor to donating towards our Sports Scholarships Fund to enable our elite athletes to travel, compete and excel on the international circuit. Brunel also nurtures talent through providing additional support to students who need it most, for instance through our award-winning Disability and Dyslexia Service.

Please click here to find out how you can support Brunel students.

Dr Hannah Critchlow - Alumna of the Year 2014

Sport Scholarships - Mo Farah Foundation

The Mo Farah Foundation (MFF) launched the Mo Farah Academy in September 2013, its first initiative in the UK. It selected Brunel UMo Foundation Sports Scholarsniversity London to be a recipient of its support due to the university’s renown reputation as a dedicated centre of sporting excellence with a solid track record of sporting success.

The MFF has been designed to encourage home-grown sporting talent. The Academy provides financial and technical support for the elite sports training programme here at Brunel. The selection process for the scholarships is rigorous, with applicants expected to demonstrate the potential to compete at international level. Priority is given to athletes from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Following the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the Olympic 2012 London Games, the defining moment in Mo Farah’s own sporting career, this new scheme is intended to build on that legacy and to provide promising young British athletes with the combination of advice, guidance and practical support that they need to fulfil their potential.

Paul Dimmock, Director of Sport at Brunel University said; “It is a real honour for us to be selected to work with the Mo Farah Academy. The package of technical assistance, access to world class coaching, and valuable financial support that the Academy offers will make a significant difference to the quality of the training we can offer.

The first Academy students started at Brunel in September 2013.

Sport Scholarships - Octogon Orthodontics

Currently Dr Peter Ilori's company provides sponsorship for our elite sports teams for their Peter Ilori dental care ensuring that they are in the peak of their wellbeing with teeth and oral health to enhance their performance as they aspire to be world class athletes.

He is an established Specialist Orthodontist, who owns clinics in High Wycombe, Beaconsfield, Denham and London. In 2001, he was awarded a Masters in Business Administration with distinction from Brunel University.

Dr Ilori has participated in various activities including donating a doctoral student research prize in the field of Human Centred Design and has introduced the "Elite Health Program" to support Brunel’s elite student athletes.

"The future is bright because, I am focused on supporting Brunel’s goals through mentoring personal donations and by working with several Brunel University sports teams".

As a team, the Development and Alumni Relations Office is centrally funded which means there are no overheads taken from your donations.If you would like to support Brunel students we would be delighted to hear from you. For more information about how you can support us, please contact the Director of Development, Clive Gee: or call 01895 267776. You can also “Give Now” using our fast simple, secure online donation system.

Page last updated: Tuesday 18 July, 2017